What is next for Korea after initial success in containing COVID-19 crisis
11 August 2020 — In this article, we analyze the success of Korean government’s immediate responses and make recommendations for Korean companies to leverage the crisis as an opportunity and fully utilize their potential.
When traditional manufacturers encounter digital disruptors: collaborate and compete on industrial digital solutions
23 June 2020 — The market landscape of traditional manufacturing companies has been facing large scale digital disruptions. This article discusses the patterns of disruption and suggests a potential response strategy.
Digital transformation: The interplay of explorative and exploitative capability development
20 May 2020 — When responding to the digital disruption, finding balance between radical and explorative trials and incremental and exploitative developments is key in unlocking the full potential of digitalization.
Managing the challenges throughout corporate digital transformation
30 April 2020 — Consolidating Reddal’s observations and learnings on corporate digital transformation subject via 2018-2020, this article discusses the identified challenges and provides suggested actions to maximize the return of digital transformation.