Exploring new growth paths for technology SMEs
26 July 2019 — Reddal Client Director, Dr. Per Stenius, was invited to speak on real life technology transfer experiences and insights into new growth paths for technology SMEs at APCTT Regional Workshop 2019, India.

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The workshop was organized on 8-10 July in Ghaziabad, India by Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in partnership with the CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre.
In our first presentation "Exploring new growth paths for technology SMEs", we discuss the impact of national policy on SME growth and how simple industrial policy built on export led manufacturing no longer is adequate. Technology SMEs in developing economies need to define their own growth strategy, and approach new market entry systematically. Driving own R&D and innovation, combining global network with local insights and leveraging digital channels can be powerful enablers, but must be inherent in the way that the business is built. This is illustrated by a few case examples. A framework for go-to-market best practices is also presented.
Our second presentation "Real life technology transfer experiences – factors driving success and lessons learned" highlights the importance for growth SMEs to execute a systematic strategy despite the prevailing urge for internationalization, and discuss the role of politics and effect of originating nation institutions. Understanding of the big picture and relevant angles is illustrated through case studies.
For more information about the workshop's program, please refer to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology's website.
South-East Asia, South Korea, Technology startups, Technology transfer, Industrial policy, Asia Pacific, Manufacturing led growth, Automation, Technology SMEs, Internationalization, Growth strategy, Go-to-market strategy