Building the skills of a Chief Transformation Officer
18 September 2017 — In a world of continuous change, companies should turn market pressure into a change capability that becomes a competitive advantage. Appointing a chief transformation officer to comprehensively lead change itself is a solution.
Towards more strategic cost management
22 March 2013 — The prolonged global economic downturn has enforced continuous waves of restructuring across industries. Unfortunately, many have selected an easy approach and initiated “across the board” cuts without clear choices on what to cut and where to invest. In this article, we explain why and how a more strategic approach should be considered.
Securing strategy implementation through iterative operating model design
21 September 2012 — One of the most common debates in management literature is whether the strategy or the operating model should deserve more focus. The answer is usually something in between – strategy alone does not determine a successful company, but an operating model does not do that either. The trick lies in designing the equilibrium between these two; ensuring that the strategy is implemented through a good operating model design.
Leveraging professional financial management practices to drive small and medium-sized company growth
5 April 2012 — Growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is crucial for the Finnish economy, but based on earlier research, there are only few companies who have actually grown to revenues of 200-500M€, and practically no companies have grown to above 1000M€ of revenue during the past 20 years. One of the reasons we have found is that the finance function of a normal SME does not support its growth journey well enough, leaving one important value creation lever under-utilized.