Expanding a professional services firm globally – lessons learned from Reddal's internationalization
2 October 2013 — Geographical expansion is a necessity for all growth companies at some point, once local markets have been saturated. Success requires establishing the brand, reputation and network as well as building local staff and capabilities, integrating across different cultures.
CEO interview: Globalize your company or perish
4 September 2013 — The debate to stay local or go global is a frequent topic in businesses of all sizes. Amidst all the hype, how does the CEO know when to make this decision? We sat down with Saeju Jeong, Co-founder and CEO of Noom to discuss his decision making process in expanding his company into Korea and Japan.
Towards more strategic cost management
22 March 2013 — The prolonged global economic downturn has enforced continuous waves of restructuring across industries. Unfortunately, many have selected an easy approach and initiated “across the board” cuts without clear choices on what to cut and where to invest. In this article, we explain why and how a more strategic approach should be considered.
Securing your transformation – program management office practical best practices
22 March 2013 — A program management office (PMO) is established whenever there is a need to manage large programs containing several projects. In this article we go through the PMO establishment process, best practices in running a PMO and common caveats in different phases.
Strategies for driving the transformation in the software industry
16 March 2013 — Traditionally, software companies have been purely focusing on developing software and selling it to consumers or businesses. However, during the past five years, app stores and cloud computing have changed the industry logic. Software companies can no longer rely on plain software sales, as the business models have evolved to providing services and solutions.
CEO interview: Company folded but the great learning experience surpasses all regrets
9 November 2012 — Christoffer Winquist (38), the CEO of Rewindy, recently decided to close the shop. In this interview he shares his one-year experience of building the company from an idea to the beta launch. While deciding to give up was a hard decision, he says that he has no regrets. The learnings from Rewindy last a lifetime, and he is now looking for new opportunities, potentially as an entrepreneur.
CEO interview: Cloning proven startup business models into Korea
7 November 2012 — Patenting business models is a costly and time-consuming task, let alone hard to enforce in many countries. Hyemin Lee (28), CEO of People & Co., discusses her experience in accelerating her startup with the Samwer brothers of Rocket Internet, the copycat kings of Europe.
CEO interview: Finding the optimal funding approach for a startup in Korea
26 October 2012 — Jong-ik Kwon (31), the CEO of iPetBrand, is an entrepreneur with a solid academic background. The idea for his current venture, iPetBrand, stemmed from Mr. Kwon’s love for animals and people who care about animals. iPetBrand seeks to integrate the vet network with the value chain, and Mr. Kwon’s vision is to make iPetBrand the most recognized brand in pet care. To fulfill this, he needed funding. We talked to Mr. Kwon about his fundraising experiences.