We Mean Change


Change is the only constant.

Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 5000 BCE)

Life is Flux

We Mean Change

Life is Flux

Everything changes. When we accept the continuous change, we also can stay at the forefront of development. We need to adapt to change, but also act as change visionaries. The change we drive for with our clients and inside Reddal must always be value-adding and sustainable.

Change is not a trend

We mean change

Change is not a trend

To consider change to be an end in itself is in vain. Change does not need to break down proven existing practices or already well-functioning structures. We recognize change as something positive, rather than destructive. At Reddal it is our mission to voice out when change is a necessity for success and to implement it together with our clients.

Knowledge shared is knowledge squared

Reddalian principles


Knowledge shared is knowledge squared

Like a pod of orcas, Reddalians share all their knowledge — sharing is caring. And like orcas herding herring, we Reddalians gather information, we refine it and pass it on. Internally, to our clients, and to the communities where we work. Our culture encourages continuous learning and development both as professionals and as human beings, and we want to spread this attitude to those around us. We do not shy away from unknown new fields but approach them with curious minds.

Tackling the toughest problems for better performance with clients

Reddalian principles


Tackling the toughest problems for better performance with clients

We Reddalians are like a hungry pack of wolves – inquisitive minded business developers looking for better performance. We have developed our business problem-solving skills to the extreme so that we can help our clients of various sizes across industries. Reddalians are familiar working with start-ups, family owned conglomerates as well as multinational corporations. Our focus is on long-lasting value creating relationships that help our clients to win; this is why we never work with our clients’ competitors. Solving the toughest problems with our clients gives a high sense of meaning to Reddalians’ everyday work.

Community that shines and thrives together

Reddalian principles


Community that shines and thrives together

Our V-formation attracts top talents who appreciate seamless teamwork and an inspiring community. As we navigate towards common goals, our transparent communication ensures we all stay on the same track. We flap, honk and quack and maintain a good spirit – we have fun at work! Navigate with us to find ways to work smart and enjoy life. Have the power to influence with personal flavour – Reddal is built together. As we build Reddal, we also build our clients and our communities.